Imagine Peace holiday giveaway

20161211_0805041Well folks, I got nothing this week when it comes to a review. I am currently reading a very good book (non-Beatles related), just nothing to write about this week. But since it’s the holiday season, I decided to give something away to my loyal followers and readers since you’re the ones that keep me going week after week.

During our trip to the Imagine Peace Tower last month, the boat tour company offered us our pick of buttons from a basket as a souvenir of your trip to the tower. The basket was filled with buttons that said IMAGINE PEACE in the 24 different languages that are on the Peace Tower. Being a little greedy I picked out two in Italian. 14591671_212499435841158_2426614261419048137_n

So lucky readers, I’m going to give away one of my Italian Imagine Peace Tower buttons AND a $10 Amazon gift card to one lucky person who leaves a comment on this post. The only thing I ask is that you write something either holiday or Peace related.

One entry per person and I will pick a winner on Sunday, December 18, 2016.

Best of luck and happy holidays!



Filed under Contest

4 responses to “Imagine Peace holiday giveaway

  1. To quote John Lennon: “Haddy Grimble Randoob!”

  2. If everyone imagines peace, then peace will be a reality.

  3. Happy holidays to everyone!

  4. Mark Dobrovolsky

    How appropriate to have written about visiting the Peace Tiower with down to earth reaiusm, offering to share your peace buttons, and done so during a season when our thoughts try to focus on peace and goodwill. Tonight I’m sitting in the New York midtown Hilton waiting to attend a conference and when I asked a hotel employee where the meeting space was he said out of nowhere, “it’s in the same room where John Lennon wrote the lyrics to Imagine on a napkin. He was inspired when he was standing in the lobby looking at all the people and imagined how quiet it would be without them. Went upstairs to the top floor xand wrote it there.” True or not, a great way to begin my holiday season. Imagine peace!